
I was lonely amongst lonely people
I wanted to tell, what I felt
But it was not that simple
I was living in a fantasy world
In a world that things would not shape in words
When Adam and eve were expelled on to the earth
They must have felt so lonely, no one to talk to,
 no one to turn to
That lonesome feeling has prolonged so far,  up to date
Even married couple feel so lonely
We fail to communicate our true feelings
We rush to work and we are exhausted most of the time
We even have no time to ask ourselves how we are.
Let alone to socialise or asking others how they feel
When we meet, we put up front, Scared to open up
We live like a robot
Is that the way of life? Surely not.
The feelings and emotions are there to show not hide
In the ocean of life we need to express our tide
In the fast driven industrial world, we are not machine, we are the people
I know facing the reality is not that simple.

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